
The staatslabor works with municipal, cantonal and federal administrations that are interested in using innovative approaches and technologies for the common good. The cooperation with our partners always starts with an open discussion about the needs of the administration itself, the employees as well as the citizens. The aim of our work is to create value for the administrative units involved and to use existing opportunities in the interest of the common good.


The development of an administration that is tailored to the requirements of our time begins with an in-depth understanding of today's possibilities. The staatslabor will work with you to explore how new technologies and methods can be applied in your organization.

Our services

  • Briefings on questions regarding innovations in administration
  • Guidance of strategy meetings
  • Networking with experts from Switzerland and abroad

Example project

The Department of Finance of a large Swiss city has commissioned the staatslabor to carry out an assessment of the most important trends in the field of digitisation. After a customized presentation, the staatslabor and the management evaluated the potential of these new technologies and methods for various departments (further cases).


Whether involving users in the development of a service customized to their needs, designing a beneficial participation process or empirically testing the effects of an adapted measure, the core of our work is to provide support for administrative units in pilot projects.

Our services

  • Implementation of pilot projects with innovation-driven technologies and methods such as user-centred design, participative processes, evidence-based policy making, behavioural sciences and evidence-based impact assessments.

Example project

A cantonal social service office wants to simplify its processes and improve their contact with beneficiaries. To this end, they have commissioned the staatslabor to assist them with this process. After a working phase with the users, various prototypes were created and tested (further cases).


Whether it is the establishment of an innovation culture within a public authority or the future-oriented training of employees, the development of innovation capacity within public administrations is the main objective of all our projects.

Our services

  • "Check-up" on the internal ability of an administrative unit to innovate
  • Measures to promote innovation culture and competencies
  • Creation of internal innovation laboratories and networks

Example project

A federal authority would like to make better use of the existing innovation capacities in the various organisational units and strengthen the innovation culture. The staatslabor supports them in creating an innovation structure that is tailored to its specific circumstances (further cases).