Staatskantine #40: How to Be More Pirate and radically rethink the public sector

Flyer #40
01.04.2021 – 12:00 – 13:15
Zoom (this event was held online)

Pirates didn't just break rules, they rewrote them. They didn't just reject society, they reinvented it.

They weren't the villains that Disney would have you believe but unsung social revolutionaries who stood up to the status quo and ended up creating something far better. There's much that can be learned from pirates about innovation, collaboration and sticking to your principles that is applicable to 21st century work. Since Be More Pirate was published in 2018 the ideas have been applied all over the world by individuals and organisations - from local authorities to Lego, nurses to Nike.

In this session Alex Barker, explained what she had learnt from this global community of disruptors about how to rewrite the rules of the public sector: to manage uncertainty, challenge power, be bolder in your thinking and fight for what really matters.