
This is what some of our partners say about working with us - thank you!

Foto Lorenz Buchser
Lorenz Buchser
Head of the Finance and Services Unit, Department of Social Welfare and Society, Canton of Lucerne
The values staatslabor stands for were decisive for us: a joyful sense of wanting to improve how government functions paired with a feeling of shared responsibility for getting that done.

This struck a chord with us. The staatslabor team listened carefully and opened up new ways of working to us. We also highly appreciated the brilliant workshops they ran with us.
Petra Baeriswyl
Petra Bäriswyl
Head of Health Promotion and Prevention Section FOPH
The staatslabor has contributed significantly to the successful introduction of Dry January in Switzerland. The campaign has already motivated one million people to be mindful of alcohol. The focus on users and effectiveness - from conception to implementation - was central.
Therese Steffen Gerber
Head of division Cooperation in Education, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI
As part of a multi-year contract, SERI was supported by staatslabor in designing central administrative services in a customer-oriented and digital way. Due to the complexity of the project and the variety of stakeholders to be considered, thinking "out of the box" was required. I was impressed by the team's commitment and their proposed solutions, which were widely accepted by various stakeholders.
Daniel Leupi
Chief of Financial Department, Zurich City Council
In 2017, the staatslabor accompanied the annual management retreat of the City of Zurich’s Finance Department. We greatly benefited from the staatslabor’s constructive inputs and the exchange on relevant future issues in the public sector; especially with regards to the ongoing digitalisation of our society and Zurich as one of the leading smart cities in Switzerland.
Sabine Gresch
Sabine Gresch
Head of Department Freiraum, Deputy City Planner, City Planning Office of Bern
Municipal administrations are doing much more than just managing; they develop and support highly complex projects. The staatslabor supports the transfer of know-how between cities with its precise inputs.
Lorenzo Garovi
Office of Digital Switzerland, Federal Office of Communications BAKOM
The team at the staatslabor supported us in 2018 as part of a multi-stakeholder dialogue on the development of the Federal Council’s strategy “Digital Switzerland”. They convinced us with their professionalism, fresh perspectives and innovative methods.
Frédéric Vuissoz
Frédéric Vuissoz
then Director of the Office of Curatorship and Professional Guardianship - Director of the Youth Protection Service
In 2018, the staatslabor team supported the management of the Office of Curatorship and Professional Guardianship in a general reflection on its governance and culture of collaboration. We greatly appreciated the relevance of an external perspective that was truly adapted to the public sector. We are looking forward to future collaborations.
Cédric Gumy
Cédric Gumy
Research Assistant, Tobacco Control Fund
The staatslabor allowed us to meet public organisations facing the same challenges as us and to learn from their experiences. We were also able to meet with competent, approachable experts for concrete and quick support. Thanks to the staatslabor, we were able to take a big step forward in our work of reflection and designing a new approach to prevent tobacco use among children and adolescents.
Barbara Krattiger und Barbara Ruf
Directors, gender equality offices of City and Canton of Bern
Thanks to the staatslabor, the project quickly took shape and gained momentum. The first workshop was well prepared and refreshingly different. The workshop feedback was very good. Developing the project together was an intensive process and created real added value. The results of the pilot project are very promising and suggest great potential for future cooperation.

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